Act Early to KillSore ThroatCausing Viruses
Oral Care
BETADINE® Gargle & Mouthwash

BETADINE® Sore Throat Spray
Nasal Care

BETADINE™ Cold Defence Nasal Spray

BETADINE™ Kids Cold Defence Nasal Spray
These viruses and bacteria can be passed on via direct contact (e.g. touch an object that has the virus on it), airborne transmission (e.g. when someone coughs or sneezes) and close personal contact (e.g. kissing).
A sore throat can be caused by different types of germs. Therefore, it is good to use a preparation that target different types and classes of germs.
Viruses are tiny particles that rely on human or animal cells for their survival, so they cannot last very long outside the body. They cause illnesses by invading healthy cells and multiplying.
Bacteria are single cell organisms usually found in and on our bodies27. Some bacteria are harmless – and can even be good for us – and some cause infections27.
If a sore throat persists or is particularly severe, you should see your doctor.
Antibiotics may be prescribed by your doctor in situations of bacteria related infections*.
* For further information, please check with your doctor or pharmacist.
BETADINE® Gargle kills germs that cause sore throats. Research has also shown that the povidone-iodine (PVPI) in BETADINE® Gargle has killing effect against germs through gargling. Individual response varies.
Since most sore throats are caused by germs, there are steps that you can take to prevent getting an infection:
- Avoid sharing utensils with people who are sick.
- Wash your hands regularly with soap.
- Practice proper hand and throat hygiene by using an antiseptic hand wash and gargle, such as BETADINE® Gargle to kill germs.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands as germs can enter your body this way and make you sick.
- Stay away from people who are ill, as germs can spread.
No, BETADINE® Gargle does not stain the teeth. The natural brown colour is due to povidone-iodine, the active ingredient of BETADINE® Gargle. The product retains the germ killing effect of iodine and it is generally non-staining.
BETADINE® preparations do not stain the skin, fingernails, hair, or natural fibre either. If you accidentally get BETADINE® on natural fibres it can usually be easily washed off with water and soap. For man-made fibres, BETADINE® can usually be washed off with the help of a stain remover.
CAUTION: Immediately remove spills from plastic floors.
Small amount may be swallowed during gargling. If accidentally swallowed in large amounts, consult your local doctor or pharmacist immediately.
BETADINE® Gargle contains povidone-iodine that kills the germs that cause sore throats. Individual response condition varies*.
If you have thyroid disorders, are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should not use unless advised by healthcare professional.
Germs that cause sore throats can be passed on via direct contact (e.g. touching something that has the germs on it), airborne transmission (e.g. when someone coughs) and close personal contact (e.g. kissing).
When a loved one suffers from sore throat, flu or a cold, practicing proper throat and oral hygiene like gargling with BETADINE® helps. This lessens the chances of other family members getting it too by killing the germs before they have a chance to act.
The active ingredient in BETADINE®, povidone-iodine, is naturally a golden brown colour. It will not stain your skin, fingernails or hair, although you can see where it’s been applied on the skin.
If you accidentally get BETADINE® on natural fibres it can usually be easily washed off with water and soap. For man-made fibres, BETADINE® can usually be washed off with the help of a stain remover.
CAUTION: Immediately remove spills from plastic floors.
The clinical trials have shown that BETADINE™ COLD DEFENCE is well-tolerated, with no nasal irritation, smell or taste. One of the key things is that the iota-carrageenan in the spray is not absorbed by the body, as it works through physical means, not medicinal pathways. It is a medical device.

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